Home » Cane Corsos Drooling: They Do Drool But How Much?

Cane Corsos Drooling: They Do Drool But How Much?

Drooling is really common in dogs, especially in large dogs. In fact, there are only a few mastiffs that don’t drool much.

If you are a fan of the Mastiff breed, you just can’t ignore Cane Corsos. They are beautiful dogs that are well known for their protective, fierce, and faithful natures. But the question is, do they drool?

If they do drool, then how much do they drool? When do they drool? And is it possible to lessen their drooling? Well, you will find your answer in this post, so read all the way to the conclusion!

Do Cane Corsos Drool?

Insta – @4_element_canecorsos

Yes, Cane Corsos drool, in fact, they sometimes drool heavily.

Cane Corsos have big jowls (loose skin below the jawline), not as big as English mastiffs, though. The bigger the jowls, the more drooling. With big jowls comes a larger buildup of saliva and the inevitable drooling.

But you should know that not all Cane Corsos have the same level of jowls, appetite, and drooling; you might see some Cane Corsos drooling less than other Cane Corsos.

Furthermore, when those big drools come out of their mouth, they sometimes shake their heads to get those long drools off, and guess what happens when they do that? They end up making your home messy.

Overall, drooling is a problem not just with Cane Corsos but with almost every large breed. You just can’t do anything to completely remove it.

When Do They Drool?

Knowing when Cane Corsos drool the most can be really beneficial.

Cane Corsos drool a lot when they’re hungry and there’s food nearby. Treats can cause them to slobber profusely.

Drooling in Cane Corsos can occur for a variety of reasons, including weariness, age, nervousness, and dental problems.

I recently saw a video of a Cane Corso that was drooling profusely. To observe how much Cane Corsos drool when they see a treat.

Furthermore, unlike other large breeds such as the St. Bernard, they do not drool constantly. They are among the best mastiffs you can have if moderate drooling isn’t an issue for you. However, keep in mind that you must have prior expertise with larger breeds as they can be tough to handle.

How Natural Is Drooling?

Every dog drools, which is quite normal. Saliva is all that drools. Saliva is produced by the salivary glands in the neck and jaw area of dogs when they eat to aid with digestion, according to petMD (Reliable source). Saliva escaping the mouth causes drooling. If your dog spots a reward or you’re opening a can of dog food, it can happen.

So, that happens to dogs rather often. However, you should seek immediate veterinary attention if your dog is suddenly drooling profusely and without apparent cause.

Drooling excessively could be a symptom of neurological diseases, gastrointestinal illnesses, gum disease, poisons and venoms, pain, anxiety, and pain in the abdomen.

It’s better to not be a doctor yourself, contact an expert as soon as possible as sudden heavy drooling is dangerous.

How To Clean Drools Off Your Cane Corso

Drool dries up the area of your mastiff’s body if it remains there for a long time, which can cause irritation, itching, and other skin concerns. To clean your Cane Corso, get a small towel or damp cloth. Wipe away those excess patches.

Use a dog brush to remove the dried saliva that is still on his coat. A dog brush will protect your dog from matting in addition to keeping those flaky things away from him.

Do Cane Corsos Drool While Sleeping?

While sleeping, they do drool a little bit. Dogs, particularly those with large jaws, don’t have control over their bodies while they are asleep, just like people. Drooling occurs occasionally while sleeping in both humans and canines.

However, if your Cane Corso is drooling a lot while they are asleep, it could be a sign of a shattered tooth or a tumor in their mouth, esophagus, or throat.

In this case, it’s critical to contact a veterinarian right away because waiting could make the condition worse.

Does Food Play A Role?

Yes, a poor diet can have a variety of effects on your dog’s physique. Giving your dog meals that are potentially harmful to his health can make him unwell, which can lead to hypersalivation.

People who are unsure of what type of food to feed their dogs frequently make a mistake in which they mistakenly feed their dog food that may be harmful to them.

Large breeds, like Cane Corsos, require a protein-rich diet that is high in essential nutrients. Experts recommend feeding your Cance Corso a pure meat diet because it will keep your Cane Corso healthy and strong for a longer amount of time.

Avoid giving him sugary foods or chemical-laden foods, Coca-Cola, chocolates, cakes, sugary biscuits, and so on.

Also, because some dogs have a habit of biting plants, keep your dog away from plants that have been fertilized.

Keep in mind that food is incredibly vital. Always double-check what you feed your Cane Corso.

Does Temperature Play A Role?

In general, Cane Corsos appreciate living in environments where the temperature is between 50°F (10°C) to 77°F (25°C). Cane Corsos dislike temperatures higher than room temperature.

Let’s get to the question now. Yes, the weather can make Cane Corsos drool more, especially in hot weather.

Due to their vulnerability to heat stroke, Cane Corsos should not be forced to exercise or be left in the sun for extended periods of time in the summer. Due to their weight, Cane Corsos can easily become exhausted in the heat and begin to pant heavily, which could make them drool more.

So, keep these factors in mind and refrain from taking your Cane Corso for a walk when the weather is really hot.


Cane Corso drools; in fact, every mastiff breed drools.

Cane Corsos drool primarily when they see food or rewards, when they are anxious, when they have dental difficulties, or when something is lodged in their tooth.

If your dog exhibits abrupt hypersalivation, you should consult a veterinarian immediately since it could be harmful.

Cane Corsos are excellent guard dogs because of their fearlessness and stunning appearance, but they are not non-drooling canines.

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