Home » Do Cane Corsos Shed A Lot? 7 Tips To Control Shedding

Do Cane Corsos Shed A Lot? 7 Tips To Control Shedding

The two most prevalent issues that mastiff owners deal with are shedding and drooling. Every dog, including mastiffs, sheds to some extent.

Cane Corsos do shed, but how much, how often, why, and whether it’s normal are all questions that need to be answered. You will receive your responses.

For complete information on Cane Corso shedding, read everything. Let’s start!

Do Cane Corsos Shed?

Credit: @apriori_best_canecorso

Yes, they shed; however, they are light to moderate shedders. They shed less than many large breeds, including St. Bernard, Newfoundland, and Great Pyrenees, therefore regulating shedding in Cane Corsos is easier compared to other large breeds.

Cane Corsos shed more in the spring and fall, but they don’t shed much the rest of the year.

Experts say shedding helps dogs adapt to seasonal changes by regulating their body temperature and maintaining a healthy coat.

Shedding is the process through which old and damaged hair is eliminated and new hair is formed. It’s very beneficial to dogs.

However, your dog’s shedding may cause headaches for you because your workload will rise. You might notice your dog’s fur on sofas, bedsheets, and flooring. Cleaning them can be really aggravating.

Can You Stop Cane Corsos From Shedding Completely?

Unfortunately, no dog can be completely free of shedding. Shedding is a significant event that occurs twice a year on average. It keeps the coats of dogs healthy and lustrous.

Why Is My Cane Corso Shedding Unnaturally High?

Why Is My Cane Corso Shedding Unnaturally High

When we notice that our dog is shedding a lot, we may become alarmed. In fact, excessive shedding in dogs is a red flag for a health issue.

Cane corsos do shed, but not a lot; it’s only occasionally, mostly in the spring and fall. They have a moderate degree of hair loss, but if you notice that your Cane Corso is losing a lot of hair, one of these four possibilities may be to blame.

  • Parasites like fleas, mites, or lice

Internal parasites and external parasites are the two types of parasites that a dog may contract.

External parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites can cause your Cane Corso to claw, bite, and chew at his skin, resulting in hair loss. You may have seen street dogs suffering from this problem. External parasites are harmful to dogs and can cause behavioral abnormalities.

Internal parasites are a different story. Internal parasites live inside a dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Internal parasites are classified into three types: Giardia, Hookworms, and Tapeworms. These parasites can cause malnutrition and internal bleeding, as well as significant hair loss in dogs of all breeds. Internal parasites are dangerous and must be treated as soon as possible.

  • Bacterial infections

Experts say that bacterial or fungal yeast infections on the skin can result in hair loss, redness, itching, and odor. Bacterial infections can occasionally generate pimple-like pustules. Ringworm, a fungus that causes hair loss, can also infect dogs.

  • Anxiety or stress

Cane Corsos may shed more if they experience stress or anxiety. Adrenaline, often known as epinephrine, is the main stress hormone in dogs and is released when they are under stress.

  • A Poor Diet

Your dog may shed more if you don’t feed him a healthy diet. You already know how diet impacts a dog’s health, so I don’t think I need to explain it to you, but for those who don’t, a protein-rich diet is advised for large dogs like Cane Corso.

Protein prevents hair loss in dogs and keeps their muscles, bones, teeth, and coats healthy. Feed your Cane Corso a diet heavy on meat and steer clear of sweet treats.

I still advise you to get in touch with a dog expert because a vet can examine and pinpoint the exact cause of the problem and assist your dog’s recovery.

Read: 10 Most Popular Mastiff Breeds (Large Dogs)

7 Tips To Manage Shedding And Keeping Your Dog’s Coat Healthy

Tips To Manage Shedding And Keeping Your Dog’s Coat Healthy

Maintaining or controlling shedding is achievable unless your Cane Corso is suffering from a serious condition. You can keep your Cane Corso’s coat healthy and shiny by doing the following seven things.

1: Use A Good Brush

Brushing your Cane Corso’s coat on a daily basis is essential since it not only avoids painful hair mats, dirt, and debris, but also eliminates extra and loose fur. Brushing also does an interesting thing for your dog’s coat: it distributes the natural oils in your dog’s fur and skin, which keeps their coat healthy and looking its best.

2: Increase Water Intake

Our skin can become dry from drinking insufficient water, and dogs’ skin can likewise become dry from drinking insufficient water. Perhaps your Cane Corso isn’t getting enough water these days, which is why his skin is getting drier.

To maintain healthy, hydrated skin, make sure your dog drinks at least one ounce of water for every pound of body weight. Remember, dry skin is a big contributor to shedding.

3: Give A Protein-Rich Diet

Your dog’s fur, teeth, muscles, bones, and general strength all depend on protein. In fact, a shortage of protein can lead to weight loss, muscle loss, weakness, poor digestion, fluid retention in the chest or abdomen, and excessive hair loss in dogs.

Additionally, you should feed your adult and puppy cane corso food that is high in protein and low in fat and sugar. Also, avoid giving him large meals to prevent bloating.

4: Avoid Sugary Foods

Even though processed sugar is not poisonous to dogs, sugary meals are still bad for them. In fact, large dogs like the Cane Corso should avoid eating sugary foods since it may raise their chances of developing diabetes, obesity, metabolic changes, and upset stomachs.

In more serious circumstances, your dog can potentially develop pancreatitis. Although there is no compelling evidence that sugar makes mastiffs shed more, you should still steer clear of it because it can weaken and ill-treat your dog, both of which may result in hair loss.

5: Use A De-Shedding Shampoo

There are numerous dog shampoos available online that promise to be able to reduce shedding in your dog, however, most of them are false. Finding the best de-shedding shampoo is critical since it not only keeps your dog’s hair lustrous and healthy, but it also keeps nasty fleas and ticks at bay.

According to experts, the Furminator brand is the best. They have the most effective brushes and shampoos. I’m not sponsored by them.

Don’t Stress

I know everyone wants to see their dog healthy and fit, but most of the time, shedding is a natural thing, so you shouldn’t worry too much unless you are seeing an insane amount of shedding or nonseasonal shedding. Many people get really stressed out when they see their dog shedding, and they start to believe that something is wrong.

If you still don’t feel well, you can speak with a veterinarian. In fact, several internet services, like Chewy.com, enable you to video chat with a veterinarian for a small price ($20 for 20 minutes).


Make your Cane Corso work instead of letting him sleep or sit around all day. Take him for a walk or play with him. Exercise reduces stress enhances blood circulation, builds muscle, and keeps your dog’s fur in good condition. Therefore, be sure that your Cane Corso receives adequate activity each day.

Read: 7 Most Aggressive Mastiffs (Large Dog Breed)


Cane Corsos do occasionally shed a lot. Spring and fall are the two times of the year when they shed the most, but you may control it by using the right grooming techniques and feeding him the right food. Additionally, shedding is a normal process that aids in the growth of new hair, so don’t panic and only think about taking your cane corso to the vet if you see that they are shedding a lot and seeming unwell.

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