
Are English Mastiffs Aggressive? (The Truth)

  • Other Dog Breeds
  • Posted 8 months ago

English mastiffs are my preferred mastiff breed since they are devoted, attractive, and incredibly amiable.

English mastiffs are one of the most popular dog breeds as well, but many people assume that because they appear imposing, they must be aggressive. However, sometimes what we see is not necessarily true.

Stay with me as we attempt to determine how hostile these gentle giants are in this post.

Are English Mastiffs Aggressive?

Although the English mastiff is not known for being violent—in fact, they are significantly less aggressive than breeds like the Cane Corso, Bandog, Kangal, and Tibetan Mastiff—they can be rather aggressive on occasion, especially if they perceive any dangers.

If you didn’t know, the English mastiff was developed to compete in the gladiatorial arenas of ancient Rome against other dogs, bears, lions, tigers, bulls, and human gladiators. So, fighting and defending come naturally to them.

They have evolved into more domesticated dogs in modern times, yet they can still guard and engage in combat.

An English mastiff kept as a pet violently assaulted a pedestrian in Chennai, India.

Watch on YT

As you can see in the video, the mastiff’s owner was helpless since the English mastiff was simply too strong for him to control. The dog bit the pedestrian while dragging his owner.

The English Mastiff’s bite tore through the man’s T-shirt and pants, leaving him with several pretty serious cuts.

If you have never owned a dog before, experts advise against getting a big breed as your first pet. Start with a breed like a Labrador Retriever, Golden Retriever, Beagle, or Irish Setter that is less challenging to handle and less aggressive.

Go for larger breeds like the Newfoundland, Great Dane, and English Mastiff once you’ve gained some skill.

Why Are English Mastiffs Dangerous?

The bite force of English mastiffs is insane, and they are quite large dogs. Some of the most harmful characteristics of English Mastiffs are listed below:

  • The bite force of an English mastiff is around 550 PSI (Enough to give deep damage to a human or small animal)
  • They are heavy and powerful. They can be pretty hard to control.
  • They are stubborn.
  • They were bred for dogfight purposes, so they can be pretty dangerous to humans.

Let me tell you something, though, before you decide to give up on your desire to pet an English mastiff. Once trained and socialized, they make relatively laid-back dogs. Since they have a great desire for food, training them isn’t too challenging: they pick things up quickly.

They spend the majority of their time napping and are equally indolent. In other words, unless they are poorly trained, they do not pose a threat to people.

Additionally, I consulted with other English Mastiff owners for their perspectives on their dogs’ behavior before creating this piece of writing. The majority of them claimed that their Mastiff is very kind to people, other dogs, and children.

Additionally, they claimed that although their mastiff has a strong bark that can occasionally frighten people, once it becomes accustomed to new people, it stops barking at them and remains peaceful.

Not to mention that the individuals with whom I spoke had raised their English mastiff with correct training and socialization.

When Do English Mastiffs Show Aggression

The English Mastiff

There are many reasons why English Mastiffs could become aggressive, however, the following are some of the more frequent ones. No matter how nice your dog is, keep in mind that all dogs occasionally display aggression; it’s relatively natural.

Food Aggression

As I previously mentioned, English Mastiffs have a great appetite for food and can be rather aggressive when defending it. When a person or a dog tries to grab a piece of their food or merely approaches their food, you could notice them growling and barking.

There are numerous approaches to attempting to lessen food aggressiveness. To find out how to lessen food aggressiveness in dogs, refer to this advice.

Aggression Towards Other Dogs and People

Every dog reacts aggressively when they see unfamiliar people and dogs in their territory, and English Mastiffs have a fairly protective nature; they don’t like seeing unfamiliar people and dogs in their territory because they perceive them as a threat, but the problem arises when they exhibit an abnormal amount of aggression and refuse to stop barking even at people and dogs with whom they are familiar.

If your English Mastiff is aggressive toward everyone, you must take action to curb this behavior.

The most common reasons why some dogs get really aggressive are below:

  • Fear
  • Possession
  • Anxiety
  • Pain
  • Need For Dominance

Here are some tips that may help:

  • Stay Calm and Assertive

Even if you are extremely angry, avoid beating your dog. Using aggression or yelling just makes matters worse. Instead, firmly hold your dog back and proceed quietly.

  • Block Their View Of The Other Dog or People

It’s pretty obvious, but it helps a lot. Your dog will not bark if he cannot see other dogs or people. You can do this by using his favorite toy or treat. Show it to him and let him follow you to a place in your home where he cannot see other dogs. Give him a treat once he has calmed down.

  • Entertain Your Mastiff

English mastiffs typically don’t exercise much because their bodies are rather huge and they tire easily. Experts advise against forcing them to exercise frequently because it may harm their joints.

They do, however, need some basic exercise to get rid of extra weight and maintain their health and happiness.

For them, a 40-minute walk is sufficient. You may also train them to swim, or if your mastiff is already able to swim, allow him to swim for a while; it will make him feel better.

Some dogs reportedly now bark out of frustration. According to the same study, exercise can help dogs feel happier and more content, which lowers their risk of becoming dissatisfied and hostile toward people.

  • Make Neutral Meeting Environments

As they learn that aggression is unnecessary, your dog’s levels of aggression are likely to decrease if you introduce them to other dogs. To help them become accustomed to meeting other dogs, try to introduce your dog to other dogs as early and in a controlled atmosphere as you can. You may visit dog parks.

Does Diet Play A Part?

In addition to keeping your mastiff’s bones and body strong, a diet high in protein and nutrients can also keep your mastiff mentally well.

According to reports, a bad diet can cause health problems in your English mastiff. The most prevalent health problems a mastiff has when his food isn’t high in protein are a poor coat, laziness, poor dental health, and behavioral problems. Your dog may experience serious health problems as a result of a bad diet.

Therefore, since a poor diet causes behavioral changes in dogs, it is true that a poor diet can make your mastiff angry.

Read: Do English Mastiffs Drool A Lot? (Do They & How Much)

Key Takeaways

  • If they are not properly socialized and trained from a young age, English Mastiffs can become pretty aggressive.
  • English Mastiffs have a history of brutally attacking people.
  • English mastiffs are perhaps the friendliest dogs after they have been trained. They are really kind giants.
  • Due to their obstinacy, English mastiffs can be a challenge to train.
  • Their disposition can be affected by their diet and health.

I hope you found this post helpful.

Thanks for reading!

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