
Do English Mastiffs Shed A Lot? (Peak Season & A Lot More)

  • Other Dog Breeds
  • Posted 1 year ago

English mastiffs are one of the largest dog breeds. They can weigh up to 100 KG or 220 Pounds.

They might appear dangerous to some, but in reality, they are pretty calm dogs.

The most impressive thing about the English mastiff is that they are the perfect guard dogs. Having them at your home will provide you an extra layer of security.

However, there are some problems that you should be aware of before getting one.

English mastiffs drools, eats only meat, sheds, and requires a big space.

If you have a small apartment, experts suggests that you shouldn’t go for them.

Do English Mastiffs Shed A Lot?

Yes, English mastiffs do shed, but not as much as you might think. Every Mastiff has a thick coat that helps them stay warm in extreme cold conditions, and the English mastiff is no different.

In fact, English mastiffs have a double coat which aids them to combat extreme weather.

Having a double coat makes them shed more naturally.

For first-time owners, shedding might be problematic. So if you never had a mastiff before, you must know that shedding is a big problem.

However, the good thing about English mastiffs is that they don’t shed as much as other mastiff counterparts, such as Saint Bernard, Newfoundland, and Tibetan Mastiffs.

In fact, you can manage their shedding with a moderate amount of work.

Pic – maplemastiffs (Instagram)

Peak Season

English mastiffs shed more in summer and fall. In these two seasons, make sure you have a good brush as things will be much more challenging.

In these two seasons, you’ll find fur in almost every area where your dog goes.

Shedding is an important process for dogs as it helps them to rid of old or damaged hair.

Shedding is a natural process so don’t get too worried. You can take the help of a veterinarian as well if you believe there is something wrong.

How To Control

There are some ways that can help you manage the heavy shedding that your English mastiff may go through in the future. Here are some tips for you:

  • Buy A Strong/Good Brush

Brushing your dog’s coat with a good brush is crucial as it helps to eliminate dirt, painful mats, and derbies.

A bad brush might not clean your dog’s coat well enough, so make sure you are buying a branded brush.

You can find many posts and tutorial videos in which the influencer is discussing which brush would be the best for your dog.

  • Buy A Good Shampoo

Like a brush, a good shampoo is also needed to clean your dog perfectly.

There are many brands that can help you to clean your English mastiff, but my personal favorite is Wahl Shed Control Pet Shampoo.

I’ve been using this shampoo for quite a while now and I have to say that it works wonderfully.

You can find it on Amazon!

Furthermore, you must not use human shampoo on dogs as it can strip their coat of natural oils and cause irritation.

  • Limit Bathe

According to American Kennel Club, “For dogs that have medium-to-large coats, a bath from weekly to every four to six weeks could be needed, as long as the coat is properly maintained in-between baths.”

A good healthy dog that doesn’t have any skin problems doesn’t need regular bathing. Overbathing can make your dog’s skin dry and cause itching as overbathing depletes the natural oils.

The itchier your dog will feel, the more fur he will release. It’s better to bathe your dog once a month than regularly.

  • Increase Water Intake

Water is essential for skin health. If your dog isn’t getting an adequate amount of water daily, you might notice more shedding.

There is a general rule which says, a healthy dog should drink an ounce of water per pound of body weight per day.

Pic – maplemastiffs (Instagram)

Does Diet Play A Part?

Absolutely, food can affect the amount of shedding.

Give a protein-rich diet and a low-fat diet to your dog and avoid giving sugar-rich foods as it has been found that sugary food can give health issues like upset stomach, obesity, metabolic changes, and diabetes.

Protein and nutrient-rich foods can make your dog’s hair follicles more resilient. Strong hair follicles will result in less hair fall and hair breakage.

When To Seek Help

Excess shedding can be a sign of disease. Dogs rely on their thick coats to protect their skin, and if that thick coat is shedding heavily, spacially, if out of season, it indicates that there is something wrong.

According to PetMD, there could be 5 reasons behind excess shedding.

  • Imbalanced Diet
  • Using Bad Shampoo
  • Skin Parasites
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Stress

Contact a veterinarian as soon as possible if your dog is shedding excessively.

Do English Mastiffs Shed More Than Newfoundland?

English mastiffs do not shed more than Newfoundland. They have a short dense coat which is easier to groom while Newfoundland has a longer Denser, double coat with rough wavy outer hairs and a soft dense undercoat. 

The Newfoundland coat is slightly oily which makes them waterproof.

Newfoundland coact is extremely challenging to maintain and requires regular brushing as they shed a lot.


Is There Any Mastiff That Does Not Shed?

Every mastiff dog sheds. Mastiffs come with a thick coat which helps them to fight harsh weather. Mastiffs shed more in summer and fall.

Do English Mastiff Drool?

Yes, they do drool, but you can manage it easily. They drool when the food is near or when they feel hungry, excited, and exhausted.

To know more about it, you can read my post “Do English Mastiffs Drool?

Are English Mastiffs Lazy?

They sleep about 16 hours a day, so you can say that they are a bit lazy, but a dog of that size does need an adequate amount of sleep to feel fresh.

English mastiffs love to walk, jog and swim when they are in a mood. 30 to 35 minutes of exercise daily is recommended to keep your English mastiff healthy and active.

Thanks for reading!

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