
Can A Cane Corso Defeat A Rottweiler? 7 Things Compared!

  • Cane Corso
  • Posted 3 months ago

Cane Corsos and Rottweilers are two of the strongest dog breeds. Both are brave, aggressive, and huge, but what happens if they fight one-on-one?

Will a Cane Corso be able to beat a Rottie? Well, this article will undoubtedly provide the answer.

Can A Cane Corso Defeat A Rottweiler?

Cane Corso vs Rottweiler

A fight between a Rottweiler and a Cane Corso would be devastating, with one dog suffering serious injuries or possibly losing its life.

Even though they can both hurt each other rather badly, a Cane Corso has a slight advantage over a Rottweiler since it is taller, more muscular, more skilled, and has a little bit more power.

The likelihood of a Cane Corso prevailing in a battle is seven out of ten, however this is only an estimate.

Furthermore, while researching this topic, I had to go deep to uncover videos that would indicate which breed is more powerful.

I do not endorse dog fights in any way because they are animal cruelty, but many people force their dogs to fight with other dogs only to please themselves.

While researching for this article, I came upon a website that I cannot link to since it is quite gruesome. On that website, there was a video of a Cane Corso fighting a Rottweiler.

The Cane Corso appeared to be more dominant than the Rottweiler; however, none of them were severely injured, and the battle concluded in less than a minute.

Now, I completely agree that you cannot judge a dog’s power based solely on a video, but after digging deep and analyzing everything about these two breeds, I can confidently state that Cane Corsos are somewhat more dangerous and powerful than Rottweilers.

Comparing 7 Important Factors

Remember, the fight result can be influenced by many factors, so let’s compare some of those factors in order to get a better understanding.

1: Size

Characteristic Cane Corso Rottweiler
Height (Male) 25-27.5 inches (63.5-70 cm) 24-27 inches (61-68.5 cm)
Height (Female) 23.5-26 inches (60-66 cm) 22-25 inches (56-63.5 cm)
Weight (Male) 100-110 pounds (45-50 kg) 95-135 pounds (43-61 kg)
Weight (Female) 88-99 pounds (40-45 kg) 80-100 pounds (36-45 kg)

In terms of size, both dogs are nearly identical; one breed is slightly taller and the other is slightly heavier.

However, Cane Corsos looks to be stronger and more threatening than Rottweilers. Their heads also look to be larger than Rottweilers.

Height is important in a battle because larger canines can reach the soft parts of the opposing dog more readily.

Weight also plays a factor in a fight, heavier canines may push their opponent more readily, giving them an advantage.

It’s a tie because the sizes of both breeds are nearly identical.

2: History

Cane Corso is an Italian breed, whereas Rottweiler is a German breed, and it’s interesting to note that both breeds were intended to protect cattle and homes from attackers.

Cane Corsos have a fascinating history, with Romans bringing them back to Rome and using them to combat lions.

Rottweilers were known for their bravery and were even employed to battle lions in the Colosseum.

3: Aggression

Both breeds can be exceedingly aggressive and extremely affectionate, but the Cane Corso is naturally more aggressive than the Rottweiler.

Cane Corsos are beasts; when they fight another dog, their hostility is apparent. When they are not fighting, they tend to be very quiet and tranquil, and they enjoy spending time with their owners.

Rottweilers are a nightmare for invaders, but they also have a soft side. They enjoy playing with their owners and learning new things.

When a Rottweiler perceives a threat or an unfamiliar face, they typically display their aggressive side.

Due to their great strength, both breeds require early socialization and training to prevent unrestrained behavior.

4: Bite Force

Breeds Estimated Bite Force (in PSI)
Cane Corso 700 PSI (estimation)
Rottweiler 328 PSI (based on one study)

A stronger biting force can cause deeper cuts and wounds during a fight; while Rottweilers have a fair bite power, they are no match for Cane Corso, which has one of the strongest bite forces in the canine world.

Aside from having a very high bite force, cane Corsos also have a very strong grip; their jaws or skull structure is ideally formed.

Rottweilers have exceptionally strong grasping and pulling abilities, yet they fall short of Cane Corso.

5: Raw Power

I may sound like a broken record, but both breeds are exceptionally powerful and well-known for their strength.

There is footage of Cane Corsos and Rotweillers dragging and lifting enormous weights (over 1000 pounds).

Because of their powerful abilities, both types were historically used as working dogs.

6: Trainability

Rottweilers are significantly easier to train than Cane Corsos. Cane Corsos are not dumb and can learn, but they are more stubborn and do not respond well to hard training.

Cane Corsos requires a strong leader with extensive expertise; this breed is not suitable for first-time owners.

While this is not the case with Rottweilers, they still require experienced owners; nonetheless, teaching them is easier because of their intelligence and eagerness-to-please attitude.

7: Speed and Stamina

Breeds Estimated Speed (in mph)
Cane Corso 25-30 mph (estimated)
Rottweiler 20-25 mph (estimated)

Speed is another factor that might impact the outcome of a fight. The table above shows that Cane Corsos can run faster than Rottweilers, and you’ll be surprised to learn that they can also attack faster.

Cane Corsos’ bodies are well-built for fighting; they are huge, but their bodies do not present any obstacles. So Cane Corso wins this round as well.

Which Breed Is Good For You?

I personally adore Cane Corsos and believe they are ideal guard dogs, but I would not recommend them to first-time owners since they can be tough to manage.

Rottweilers are friendlier and more family-oriented than Cane Corsos; they enjoy playing, training, and spending time with their owners.

So, if you want a family-friendly breed that can also protect your home from invaders, go with the Rottweiler; but, if you are experienced and want a more robust breed that is very bold and powerful, the Cane Corso is a great choice.

I hope you like this post.

Thanks for reading!

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