
9 Reasons Why Your Cane Corso Is Not Aggressive

  • Cane Corso
  • Posted 3 months ago

When we buy a Cane Corso, we expect it to defend our family and property from invaders, as Cane Corsos are known for their guarding qualities and aggressive attitude.

However, when our Cane Corso does not grow aggressive or becomes very polite after reaching adulthood, it causes many doubts in our minds, such as why my Cane Corso is not as aggressive as other Cane Corsos.

So, in this post, we’ll look at nine probable possibilities. Let us begin!

Why My Cane Corso Is Not Aggresive

1: Your Cane Corso Is Well Socialized.

Cane Corsos don’t normally react well to strangers, but if your one is different, it means you’ve done an excellent job socializing him.

A well-socialized cane corso is unlikely to hurt anyone since he has had enough love and instruction from a young age to know that it is useless to act irrationally furious.

2: Genetics

What the puppy’s character will be like as an adult is mostly determined by his genetic makeup.

Dogs with violent parents typically exhibit greater levels of aggression than other canines.

Your Cane Corso is probably not aggressive since his or her parents weren’t very aggressive.

In addition, some breeders bred dogs based on temperament, so it’s likely that your Cane Corso was created with a calmer temperament in mind.

3: Not All Cane Corsos Are the Same

Most of us believe that because a Cane Corso is an aggressive breed, every Cane Corso must be aggressive.

While it is true that Cane Corsos are more aggressive than other breeds, it is also true that each dog is unique and can have different characteristics.

In fact, there are videos of aggressive golden retrievers; does that mean golden retrievers are aggressive dogs? No! It means that there are only a handful of golden retrievers are aggressive.

Similarly, even though cane corsos are an aggressive breed, but a few cane corsos can be really gentle and sweet.

Maybe your Cane Corso looks threatening, but he is quite different on the inside and is really sweet.

4: Owner’s Behavior

The owner’s behavior does shape the mind of their pet dog to some extent. Owners who are always mad at their pets, beat their pets, or don’t spend time with them, end up making their pets aggressive, anxious, and disobedient.

Plus, it has also been found that dogs mirror their owners’ behavior. So, if you are calmer and more peaceful, there is a high chance that your dog will be peaceful as well.

Maybe your Cane Corso has mirrored your personality, and that’s why he doesn’t get aggressive over minor things.

5: Environment

Your dog’s temperament is heavily influenced by his environment. A congested environment with no room to play and have fun would be detrimental to your Cane Corso’s development.

Cane Corsos requires a safe, lively environment to develop and become well-rounded dogs.

Some people raise their Cane Corsos in a small, stressful, and chaotic environment. Their Cane Corso begins to feel uneasy or anxious at a young age.

It has been shown that dogs raised in a stressful environment tend to become aggressive, lacking confidence, or uneasy.

If your Cane Corso is not aggressive or afraid of humans, it suggests that he was raised in the correct atmosphere.

6: Health and Wellness

Underlying diseases or poor health can affect a dog’s temperament to a great extent.

If your dog is showing any symptoms of illness, paying attention to it and curing the illness as quickly as possible is really crucial.

Some owners don’t pay attention to the health of their furry companions; they ignore the symptoms of the illness, and ultimately, their dog starts to feel pain and discomfort due to the disease and starts to show behavioral changes.

A healthy and socialized dog is highly unlikely to show unneeded aggression.

  • Fun Fact: Cane Corsos Live Longer Than Other Mastiff Breeds (Avg. Lifespan – 9-12 years)

7: Positive Experiences

If your Cane Corso has only had positive interactions with people, other animals, and various situations, he is unlikely to become hostile.

Good experiences can instill confidence and trust in dogs; the dog will no longer be fearful of people or other dogs but will instead seek to communicate, play, and enjoy the company of others.

Dogs who have largely had negative experiences will exhibit hostility, fear, and nervousness around people and other dogs.

8: Early Intervention

Spotting early indicators of aggression in your dog and correcting them as soon as possible is an excellent approach to keep your dog from becoming violent.

Your Cane Corso’s calm temperament indicates that you tackled aggression early on and subsequently used the appropriate training and behavior modification strategies.

Cane Corsos are not dumb dogs; they will learn if properly trained; nonetheless, they are a little stubborn and can be difficult to handle; they are not advised for beginners.

Maybe the training you gave him at an early age continues to resonate with him, and he still obeys that teaching, which is why he isn’t aggressive.

  • Fun Fact: Male Dogs Are More Aggressive Than Female Dogs

9: Training

Cane Corsos require training since they are large dogs with strong guarding qualities and the potential to harm people and small animals.

Training guarantees that you have a well-rounded dog rather than one that is overly aggressive.

A well-trained Cane Corso is unlikely to exhibit needless hostility. In fact, well-trained Cane Corsos usually remain quiet and keep an eye on who comes and goes in your home.

Training teaches your dog when to attack and when to remain calm, and if your Cane Corso does not exhibit hostility for no apparent reason, it indicates that you have properly trained him.


Cane Corsos are regarded as true guard dogs due to their muscular build and combative attitude; however, not all Cane Corsos exhibit aggression.

Cane Corsos that have been adequately socialized, trained, and nurtured in the right environment are more likely to have a calm temperament than those who have not.

Overall, the Cane Corso is a wonderful dog to own, but it is only suggested if you have prior experience with larger breeds.

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