
How Long Do English Mastiffs Live? (Life-Span) 7 Important Facts

  • Other Dog Breeds
  • Posted 1 year ago

English mastiffs are amazing dogs, they are cute, they are loyal, and most importantly, they have a nice temperament.

But there are some downsides of petting an English mastiff like they cost a lot, they need a big space, they eat a lot, and they don’t live longer.

Today in this post, I want to focus on the lifespan part of English mastiffs.

Do they live longer? how long do they live? and how to make them live longer. You’ll find your answer here in this post.

English Mastiff Life Span

Insta: oleander_the_dog

1: How Long Do English Mastiffs Live?

A healthy English Mastiff has a lifespan of about 10 years.

This is kinda sad tbh because dogs like English mastiffs deserve to live a bit more. They are literally giant puppies. They are a perfect canine companion.

Some English mastiffs have crossed the 10-year-old mark, but most English mastiffs leave their body before the age of 10.

This is nature, we can’t do much in it. But there are few things that can guarantee a good long life for your English mastiff. The most important part is saving your mastiff from diseases.

2: List Of Diseases That Can Affect Your English Mastiff’s Life-Span

One of the biggest reasons why English mastiffs don’t live longer is that they are prone to diseases.

Here are some diseases that an English mastiff might get if not treated well.

  • Hip Dysplasia

According to MCOA Health Surveys, Hip Dysplasia is a big concern in Mastiffs. However, Hip Dysplasia is not lethal, but it can certainly affect a dog’s life quality and reduce life expectancy.

It’s a very ugly disease. I feel quite sad when I see dogs with this horrifying condition.

Curing this disorder is impossible, but some treatments can help reduce the pain a dog faces. To know more about this disease, you can read the post by American Kennel Club.

  • Parvo

Parvo disease, also known as Canine parvovirus (CPC) is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases a dog can get. But the good thing is that CPC is preventable with proper vaccination.

Also, this disease is most common in puppies and adolescent dogs, however, senior and adult dogs can also catch it if they are unvaccinated.

Make sure your English Mastiff has received all Parvo shots. If they haven’t completed the vaccination, hurry to your nearest pet doctor and get them vaccinated as soon!

  • Distemper

Distemper is another disease that a mastiff might get. Sadly, this disease is incurable, and the only way to save your dog from this disease is to get them vaccinated.

Puppies are at high risk as this disease target puppies mostly, but any dog who has not taken complete vaccination is at risk of canine distemper.

  • Canine Influenza

Canine Influenza might not be as dangerous as other diseases listed here, but it can sometimes cause damage to a dog’s immune system.

According to experts, this disease lasts about two to three weeks, and most dogs get recovered from it, but some dogs may get pneumonia, and some even die because of it.

To know more about Canine Influenza, check out the guide by CDC.

3: Does Food Play A Part?

It certainly does, in fact, it is a really important aspect.

English mastiffs are very hungry dogs, they love consuming muscle meat, organ meat, and bones. Puppies who are at they are growing stage need more food, especially, a protein-rich diet than adult and old mastiffs.

Protein can make their coat, bones, teeth, and muscles stronger. Apart from protein, English mastiffs also need a good amount of carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.

Furthermore, avoid giving them sugary and carbonated foods.

Avoid sugar-rich foods especially as they can make your mastiff lazy and increase the chances of obesity, diabetes, and upset stomach.

Obesity, diabetes, and extreme laziness can surely affect your mastiff’s life expectancy negatively.

4: Does Exercise Affect Life Expectancy?

Insta: kevin_theenglishmastiff

People often say that English mastiffs are lazy dogs. In fact, I have also covered this topic.

It’s true that English Mastiffs aren’t as fast and active as Border Collies, American Staffordshire Terriers, Brittany, etc, but they are not as lazy as most people believe.

English mastiffs do need a moderate amount of exercise daily. A good 40 minutes of walking can help them stay fit and healthy.

Apart from walking and jogging, English mastiffs also enjoy swimming sessions. They are good swimmers!

Exercise is important for health, if not given enough exercise, your dog might get obese and it might reduce its life span.

5: Do English Mastiffs Live Longer Than Tibetan Mastiffs?

No, Tibetan mastiffs have a longer life span than English mastiffs. They are smaller than English mastiffs and because of that, they have a higher life expectancy.

The larger the dog, the shorter their life expectancy.

Btw, Tibetan Mastiffs have a life span of 10 to 12 years.

6: Do English Mastiffs Live Longer Than Bullmastiffs?

English Mastiff and Bullmastiffs both have a similar life expectancy. They both have a lifespan of 10 years.

7: Is 10 Old For English Mastiffs?

English mastiffs usually don’t live that long. If you have an English mastiff and he/she is older than 10 years, it indicates that you have done a great job. Be proud as you have taken your mastiff’s health very seriously!

Some QnA

Now let’s answer some questions from the internet!

  • Why Do English Mastiffs Sleep So Much?

It’s simply because they have a larger bodies. Their body takes a lot of energy to move, so by sleeping a lot, they are restoring that lost energy. Let your English mastiff sleep at least 16 hours, once they complete their sleep, they will fresher and more active.

  • Do English Mastiffs Like Cuddles?

They love it, they prefer sleeping on their owner’s lap than on a sofa or bed. They are true family dogs.

People may think that they are not so friendly because of their massive bodies, but in reality, they are really sweet!

  • Are English Mastiffs Smart?

They are moderately intelligent. They learn a bit slowly compared to breeds like German Shepherds, Border Collies, Poodles, Golder Retrievers, and Doberman Pincher, but once they understand the command, they hardly forget it.

English mastiffs are not difficult to train but they take time so be patient with them.

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