Home » Why My Great Dane Shed So Much? 7 Actions To Take

Why My Great Dane Shed So Much? 7 Actions To Take

According to reports, approximately 15% of people are sensitive to pet dander.

In this article, we’ll go a little more specific; we’ll look at why a Great Dane sheds so much and what steps you may take to lessen it.

Let’s begin!

Do Great Danes Shed?

Great Danes shed, especially in the fall and spring seasons.

They are moderate to high shedders, and are unfortunately not advised for individuals who are extremely allergic to dog dander.

Great Danes have thick, short coats that are smooth and glossy in appearance. Despite shedding a lot, a Great Dane’s coat is easy to care for and requires only modest maintenance.

Furthermore, if I were to rate great danes based on how much they shed on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being the least and ten being the most, I would give them 6 and a half.

Now, I suppose you have an idea of how much they shed.

Why Is My Great Dane Shedding So Much?

It’s possible that you are overthinking things. Great Danes shed, and their sheds are typically found on the floors, sofas, and mats where they spend most of their time.

However, unusual shedding may indicate poor health; you shouldn’t overlook this warning sign since it could be dangerous for your great dane.

Consult a veterinarian right once if you see unusually high levels of shedding.

Along with shedding, watch out for additional symptoms like pacing, yelping, vigorous licking, and heavy drooling. If your great dane exhibits any of these, it could be a dangerous condition; call the vet right once!

Here are a few of the problems that might lead to excessive shedding in great danes:

  • Seasonal Changes

Unlike other larger breeds, great danes have a single but thick coat. People feel that because they have single coats, they must be low shedders, but this is not the case; in fact, they shed, particularly in the spring and fall seasons.

Great danes may shed more in reaction to temperature fluctuations or sunshine exposure.

Seasonal shedding is normal and does not signify a disease.

  • Feeding an Imbalanced Diet

Giving your great dane a poor-nutrition diet can lead to shedding; in fact, experts say that diet has a big impact on how much shedding occurs.

Large dogs like Great Danes require a good supply of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and essential oils to maintain good health; depriving them of these nutrients may result in excessive shedding as well as weakened bones and muscles.

Choose food packages that veterinarians recommend for your great danes instead of cheap ones.

  • Food Intolerance or Allergies

Food allergies are another prevalent reason for excessive shedding in dogs, according to specialists.

Food allergies can cause itching and skin infections, resulting in not just shedding but also bald spots.

Additionally, environmental allergies to pollen, grass, or dander can cause your dog to shed excessively.

  • Using the Wrong Shampoo

Choosing the wrong shampoo might dry out your dog’s coat and cause skin discomfort. Before buying shampoo for your dog, do some research. Also, Great Danes do not bathe frequently; aim for two or three bathing sessions each month.

Regular bathing has been shown to cause dry coats and skin problems, while insufficient bathing can result in health issues and a stinky puppy.

  • Stress

Particularly if there has been a significant alteration to your dog’s living situation, dogs also experience stress.

  • Skin Parasites

High shedding can be caused by parasites like fleas, ticks, and mites; in order to prevent inflammation and further skin diseases, it needs to be treated very once.

  • Underlying Diseases

If you observe skin discoloration, clusters of shedding, or shedding on different body areas, it could indicate a number of dangerous conditions, such as:

  • Bacterial infections
  • Ringworm and other fungal infections
  • Thyroid disease
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Skin allergies

Why Am I Allergic To Dog Shed?

The majority of people are not allergic to dog shed, but there are a few unfortunate individuals who simply cannot take it.

If you are one of those unlucky people, you may be wondering why you are allergic to dog shed.

You are not allergic to dog hair or fur; rather, you are sensitive to the protein found in dog and cat dander (dead skin cells), saliva, and urine. The hair, fur, or feathers accumulate dander. It may also transport other allergens such as dust mites, mold, and pollen.

So, when dogs shed, they transmit dander, and when that dander enters your body, you develop allergies.

7 Steps To Take

The most effective strategy to avoid pet allergies is to limit your dog’s shedding. The less your dog sheds, the less dander you’ll be exposed to.

However, no matter what efforts you take, you will not be able to totally stop your great dane from shedding. You can lessen the quantity it sheds by following the steps below, but completely halting it is simply impossible.

Regular Brushing

Brushing is extremely useful to your dog’s coat and in managing excessive shedding. It avoids uncomfortable hair matting and eliminates dirt and debris. It also distributes natural oils to keep her coat and skin healthy. Brushing also helps eliminate loose fur, resulting in less shedding around the house.

Proper Nutrition

A diet low in protein and essential oils may cause your great-dane’s coat to shed. Provide a protein-rich diet, as well as meals containing important oils like omega 3.

Experts state that a dog’s coat is 95% protein, with 20% to 30% of daily protein intake supporting skin and coat health.

Feeding your great-dane a high-protein dog food derived from high-quality sources such as chicken, lamb, and beef is an excellent way to keep him looking and feeling good.

Manage Stress

When a dog is stressed or anxious, one of the first things it does is shed. Adrenaline, also known as Epinephrine in the scientific community, is one of a dog’s key stress hormones.

To prevent stress-related shedding, make sure your great dane lives in a comfortable, stress-free environment.

Try to establish a tranquil and secure environment for your great dane, especially during noisy or hectic times.

Control Fleas and Ticks

Your great dane may get extremely itchy and uncomfortable due to fleas and ticks. He may begin to bite or lick the skin incessantly to get rid of fleas and ticks, which can result in sores and hair loss.

In addition to brushing your Great Danes frequently and applying products that can aid in the removal of these parasites, you can also manually remove the ticks by grasping the base of the ticks where they have burrowed into the skin and applying steady, strong upward pressure.

Use A Good Shampoo

In addition to keeping your pet’s coat free of parasites and debris, a proper shampoo can maintain its coat lustrous and silky.

Selecting inexpensive shampoos instead of those advised by professionals can have the opposite impact.


Bathing your great dane on a regular basis is not recommended because it can cause the skin to become dull, dry, and itchy. However, bathing might be beneficial to your great dane if done in moderation.

According to experts, how frequently your dog should bathe depends on its activity level, but in general, Great Danes require two to three baths per month.

Vet Checks

Consulting a veterinarian can be beneficial if you think your great dane’s shedding is excessive or if you are unsure of the food your dog should be given. Vets can examine your great dane and report back to you on the health of your pet and any changes that need be made to keep them in good health.

Bottom Line

Great Dane’s shed, especially in the spring and fall seasons. The protein contained in dog and cat dander (dead skin cells), saliva, and urine induces an allergic reaction.

There are numerous methods for decreasing their shedding, including a healthy diet, frequent brushing, eliminating external parasites, and reducing stress.

However, there is no way to totally prevent your great dane from shedding.

If you want to learn about dog breeds that don’t shed, read this!

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