
Tibetan Mastiff Bite Force is 550 PSI But

  • Other Dog Breeds
  • Posted 1 year ago

Tibetan Mastiffs are incredible dogs. Their lion-like appearance, loyalty towards their owners, and guarding skills have made them one of the most popular dog breeds.

Their fierce nature and unique look are enough to scare any intruder in the world.

There have been some internet rumors claiming a Tibetan Mastiff can defeat or even kill a lion in a one-on-one fight; however, this is a complete lie as no dog in the world can compete with lions.

But what about bite strength? Do Tibetan Mastiffs have a stronger bite than lions? That’s what we’re going to talk about in this post.

So, in order to learn more effectively, make sure you read all the way through.

Bite Force Of Tibetan Mastiff

Bite Force Of Tibetan Mastiff

Tibetan Mastiffs have an incredible bite force of 550 PSI. Powerful enough to inflict severe harm on anyone.

Even with such incredible bite force, Tibetan Mastiffs rank well behind big cats like Tigers and Lions.

Lions have a bite force of 650 PSI (pounds per square inch), while Tigers have a bite force of 1,000 PSI.

Tibetan Mastiffs are well-known for their bravery and distinct appearance. They are unquestionably one of the most beautiful and powerful dogs, yet they are no match for Tigers and Lions in terms of power.

Remember, 550 PSI can injure any human on the planet, so giving proper training to your Tibetan Mastiff and early socialization is critical.

Tibetan Mastiffs are inherently aggressive, and if they are not trained properly, they can be risky and dangerous to children, stray dogs, and adults.

Can A Tibetan Mastiff Defeat A Wolf?

Wolves are slightly more powerful than Tibetan Mastiffs, they have more wild battle experiences as well.

A wild adult healthy wolf can never lose to a Tibetan Mastiff; however, the fight between them would be a close one.

Tibetan Mastiff will surely leave the wolf brutally injured, but defeating a Wolf is near to impossible for a Tibetan Mastiff.

There is a video on the internet where a Tibetan Mastiff tried to dominate a Wolf.

Even though the Wolf in the video is not a wild wolf, he appears to be more skilled.

If the wolf was a wild one, he would have defeated the Tibetan Mastiff with only some effort.

Dogs With the Strongest Bite Force

We just read that a Tibetan Mastiff has a bite force of 550 PSI, which is quite astounding! Yet, some dogs have much higher PSI.

Let’s learn about them!

  • Turkish Mastiff (Kangal)

Turkish Mastiffs, commonly known as Kangals, have the most powerful biting force of any dog breed. They have a bite force of 734 PSI, which is greater than that of a lion.

These are large, powerful dogs that can weigh up to 130 pounds and stand up to 31 inches tall.

These are not suitable for first-time owners!

  • Bandog

A Bandog is a mix between an American Pit Bull Terrier or an American Bulldog and a Mastiff or a Neapolitan Mastiff.

They are one of the most aggressive breeds and are therefore not suitable for families or first-time owners.

They have a biting force of 730 PSI, which is comparable to Kangals.

  • Cane Corso

Cane Corso like Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most popular Mastiff breeds. They are excellent guard dogs and a friendly companion.

However, they too can be aggressive at times, there have been many incidents where Cane Corso has attacked people. Some people have even lost their lives because of this breed.

So, proper training and early socialization are really important.

The bite force of a Cane Corso is 650 PSI (equal to a lion’s)

  • Dogue de Bordeaux

Dogue de Bordeaux AKA French Mastiff usually have a cool and composed temper and aren’t known for their aggression.

They only show their aggression toward intruders and other male dogs.

Dogue de Bordeaux is another Mastiff breed that has a bite force of more than Tibetan Mastiffs.

They have a bite force of 552 PSI

  • English Mastiff 

They are my favorite Mastiffs. They are cool, quiet, and extremely loyal. English Mastiffs are big, sociable dogs. They are the world’s largest dog breed.

English Mastiffs can weigh up to 230 pounds and stand up to 35 inches tall.

They may appear formidable, yet they are normally respectful to humans and other pets. Nonetheless, because of their enormous size, it is always critical to train and socialize them properly.

The biting force of the English Mastiff is 550 PSI, which is comparable to that of Tibetan Mastiffs.

Why Bite Force Is Not Everything In A Fight?

The bite force is important in a fight, but it is not everything. Speed, power, weight, and skills are more important.

A Lion, for instance, has a bite force of 650 PSI, whereas a Kangal has a bite force of 743 PSI. But, if a Kangal fights a Lion, he will perish in minutes.

Although though Kangals are one of the most dangerous dog breeds, they are nowhere near a Lion.

Lions have superior combat abilities, speed, and power.

Even a Cheetah with a 500 PSI biting force may easily overcome a Tibetan Mastiff or a Kangal. Cheetahs btw are much weaker than Lions and Tigers.

I hope you liked this post.

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