
Do Tibetan Mastiffs Bark A Lot?

  • Other Dog Breeds
  • Posted 1 year ago

Tibetan Mastiffs are one of the most attractive dog breeds; they have a thick double coat with a heavy, wooly undercoat and coarse guard hair, giving them a highly distinct appearance; in fact, their thick coat makes them look similar to lions.

Tibetan Mastiffs may appear cute and lovable dogs, but don’t be fooled by their adorable appearance; this breed is known for its fierce nature and bravery.

Tibetan Mastiffs were bred to protect Buddhist monasteries and monks from predators like bears, wolves, and snow leopards.

Nowadays, most people pet Tibetan mastiffs to protect their land from intruders and burglars. They have deep bark, which is enough to scare intruders.

Even though Tibetan mastiffs are a bit more aggressive compared to other mastiffs, they are still very good family dogs. They know how to protect their family very well.

But before getting yourself a Tibetan mastiff, you must know a few things. One of those things is, do they bark a lot? Well, you’ll find your answer here in this post!

Do Tibetan Mastiffs Bark A Lot?

Yes, they do bark but only when it’s needed. When there is no need to bark, they stay quiet and prefer sleeping (they sleep about 16 hours in a day).

If you leave your Tibetan mastiff outside and there are some nearby dogs that are noisy, your Tibetan mastiff might start to bark as well to warn other dogs that it is his property and that they shouldn’t dare to enter.

Tibetan mastiffs don’t bark as much as Samoyed, Yorkshire Terrier, or Dooberman, but they are also not as quiet as Basenji.

Unless a stranger enters your home, you will have a peaceful life. Your Tibetan mastiff may continue to bark until the stranger leaves.

How Can You Stop Your Tibetan Mastiff From Barking

How Can You Stop Your Tibetan Mastiff From Barking

There are a few steps you can take in order to stop your Tibetan mastiff from barking.

According to the Royal Society for the Protection of Animals, these steps are typically highly successful, but if none of them worked, you should see a veterinarian or a pet expert because excessive barking can be a sign of a more serious problem.

  • Identify Why He Is Barking

Most dogs bark when a stranger comes into the house, some dogs bark to grab attention, and some bark when they are feeling hungry.

Identify what exactly is making him bark, and also notice what type of bark it is. See, if it’s an aggressive one or not.

Once you know the cause, you may stop your dog from barking.

If your dog is barking, for instance, because a stranger is in your home, wait until the stranger leaves, and your dog will stop barking.

Similar to the last example, if your dog is wagging his tail and barking at you while you are eating something—and the bark is not aggressive—it means that your dog wants to eat what you are eating.

  • Shift His Focus

Shifting your Tibetan Mastiff’s focus may help you stop him from barking.

Show him his favorite toy or give him something tasty to eat, and he will stop barking.

Make sure to use the food or toy to remove your Tibetan Mastiff from the triggering area, as he might again start barking once he finishes the food or gets bored with the toy.

  • Say “Quiet”

This may sound simple, but believe me, it’s one of the most effective ways to let your dog know that his barks are annoying you.

Whenever your dog starts barking unnecessarily, say “Quiet” followed by your dog’s name. For instance, my dog’s name is Leo, so I will say “Quiet Leo!”

Don’t say it with aggression, just say it a little louder.

Also, never ever punish your dog for barking because it won’t help; in fact, it will only make him bark more because it will make him feel scared, and the more scared he feels, the more he will bark!

  • Ignore

If your dog doesn’t bark a lot, but today he is barking because of something, then you should not get too worried as he will calm down. Ignore him, he will become normal!

But if he doesn’t come to his natural self even after hours of barking, you may need help from an expert.

Does Diet Play A Part?

Food does influence a dog’s behavior; however, whether food influences a dog’s barking is yet unknown.

Feeding your dog lousy food will almost certainly make him more aggressive or sluggish, which may cause him to bark more or less. They’re both terrible.

That is why you should always feed your mastiff high-quality food.

I hope you liked this post.

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