
Can a Cane Corso Live in Hot or Cold Weather? (Expert Advice)

  • Cane Corso
  • Posted 7 months ago

The Cane Corso is one of the most attractive mastiff breeds present; with their silky black coat and powerful build, they are really difficult to overlook.

They are highly recognized for their courage and guarding abilities, and they are also very loyal dogs. If you want to get a corso, you should know a few things about them in order to take care of them properly.

This article can assist you in figuring out what kind of weather they prefer. So, let’s get this post started!

Can Cane Corsos Live in Hot Wheather?

Can Cane Corsos Live in Hot Wheather

Cane Corsos do not like it when it is warmer than room temperature. They favor living in the range of 15°C to 25°C. Avoid obtaining this breed if you live somewhere where the temperature is typically above room temperature.

Your Corso’s health may be impacted by the heat, and you might notice behavioral changes in him. In addition to these issues, hot temperatures can also result in excessive aggression, clinging behavior, and excessive genital licking.

However, if you still want this breed, you must take some precautions to ensure that your Cane Corso does not suffer from the effects of overheating. Later in this post, we’ll go over how to keep your Corso cool in hot weather.

Cane Cane Corsos Survive in Cold Wheather?

Cane Cane Corsos Survive in Cold Wheather

Cane Corso does poorly in a temperature that is less than 0°C or 32°F. Leaving your Corso outside in weather less than 32°F without any protection, may give your Corso some serious health impact.

The good thing is that if Cane Corsos are born and raised in cold areas, they naturally develop a thicker coat, which helps them adapt to the cold weather.

However, if you live somewhere where the temperature stays below zero degrees and goes above twenty-five degrees Celsius in the summer, your corso may not develop a thicker coat.

Furthermore, leaving your dear dog outside in extreme cold weather (which you should never do), can result in serious health issues such as hypothermia and frostbite. Frostbite and hypothermia, according to experts, are dangerous conditions that may require surgery and long-term medical care.

Issues A Corso May Get From Extreme Hot Wheather

Your Corso’s health will be negatively impacted by extreme heat. A Corso simply cannot live a good life if the temperature is over their tolerable limit. Some people still believe that Corsos thrive in hot temperatures, but I disagree. They are easily susceptible to heatstroke due to their large bodies and thick coats. In excessively hot weather, never leave your Corso outside for an extended period of time.

These are the symptoms of heatstroke that a Corso may exhibit;

  • Heavy Painting
  • Dehydration 
  • Elevated body temperature (Above 104 F or 40 C)
  • Vomiting
  • Diahrea
  • Tachycardia (AKA fast heart rate)
  • Weakness and Laziness
  • In an extreme case, Seizures

Read: 11 Countries Where Cane Corsos Are Banned Or Restricted (In-Depth)

Issues A Corso May Get From Extreme Cold Wheather

Extreme cold temperatures are just as bad for your Corso as extreme heat. Extreme cold may cause them to experience some very serious problems. Here is a list of problems that, in the opinion of specialists, they may experience if they are exposed to the cold for an extended period of time.

  • Hypothermia (Extremely dangerous)
  • Frostbite (most commonly occurs on the paws, ears, and tail)
  • Lowered Appetite
  • Fever
  • Runny Nose

Some Helpful Tips To Keep Your Corso Safe From Heatstroke

It’s crucial to prevent heatstroke in your mastiff because it can be quite catastrophic for your dog. These are the recommendations given by professionals to prevent heatstroke in your mastiff.

  • Keep Your Corso Inside The House When The Temperature is High

The best way to prevent heatstroke is to keep your dear pet inside when the temperature is above the tolerable level. Keep your air conditioner on as well.

  • Only jog with your Corso in the early morning or evening.

The temperature normally stays acceptable in the morning and evening. However, if the temperature is still high in the morning or evening, avoid any kind of exercise, unless the temperature is low down.

  • Assure that the Corso has adequate access to fresh water, shade, and cover from direct sunlight.
  • Never leave your corso in a parked car alone. Even on cold days, heat may quickly build up to lethal levels in a closed car.

Some Helpful Tips To Keep Your Corso Safe From Frostbite and Hypothermia

As previously stated, extreme cold can be fatal to dogs. Leaving your Corso outside in cold weather for an extended period of time might result in significant complications like hypothermia or frostbite. Here are some suggestions to help you avoid this.

  • To keep Corsos warm and dry during the winter months, choose warm coats and sturdy boots.
  • Before bringing your dog for a stroll, make sure they are dry. Use a dry cloth to soak him if he is wet.
  • If possible, keep winter walks brief and avoid spending too much time outside when it’s extremely cold.

Does Food Plays A Role?

Giving your mastiff nutritious food might provide him with the endurance to withstand extreme weather, whilst a bad diet can increase his susceptibility to heat or cold weather side effects.

In Winters

Mastiffs, such as the Cane Corso, require a protein-rich diet to keep fit and active, according to specialists. In the cold, chicken soup with healthy vegetables within is an excellent choice for your Corso.

(You can use this instruction manual to prepare a delicious chicken soup for your Corso if you are unsure how to make it.)

Because of their own discomfort in the colder weather, many dog owners are less likely to exercise their dogs. Less exercise means fewer calories burned.

Continuing to feed the same amount of food will result in unhealthy “winter weight gain.”

So, while food does play a role in keeping your mastiff healthy and preventing him from contracting deadly diseases, overfeeding is also not beneficial, especially if you aren’t providing your Corso enough exercise.

Everything should be within a limit.

In Summers

In the summer, when temperatures are high, it is best to provide your dog foods high in water and critical nutrients. Fruits high in water, such as melons, apples, and berries, can have a cooling effect on dogs.

Furthermore, don’t overfeed your mastiff, make sure he gets enough exercise, and avoid going outside with him in the afternoon when the temperature is at its peak.

Remember, prevention is always better than cure!


Cane Corso prefers living at room temperature which is 15 C to 25 C or 59 F to 77 F. Leaving your Corso outside when the temperature is too low or too high can have a devastating effect on him.

Prevention is better than cure, so keep your mastiff in your home when the temperature is harsh, and give water-rich food when the temperature is high and a protein-rich diet (chicken soup) when the temperature is low.

Thanks for reading!

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