
Are Tibetan Mastiffs Friendly Dogs? (Fierce Or Sweet)

  • Other Dog Breeds
  • Posted 8 months ago

The Tibetan Mastiff ranks among the most appealing dog breeds thanks to its fluffy coats and enormous size. But there is a problem: they are strong, difficult to handle, fierce, and naturally highly protective. It is therefore suggested against petting a Tibetan mastiff unless you have extensive expertise managing large breeds.

The question is, can a Tibetan mastiff be a sociable dog? Do they occasionally express affection towards their owners or are they constantly hostile? Stick with me through the end of this post, and I’ll give you the solution!

Are Tibetan Mastiffs Friendly Dogs?

Credit – iamgaugau7

Tibetan Mastiffs are a very loyal and protective breed; they can be friendly, but not as friendly as other giant breeds such as English mastiffs, Saint Bernards, Great Danes, and Newfoundlands; in fact, Tibetan Mastiffs require a great deal of training and socialization because they are naturally more aggressive.

If they are not properly trained and socialized from an early age, they may become unruly and violent toward other dogs and people.

However, if they are properly trained and socialized from a young age, they can be sociable, but their wild instincts will remain, and they will still bark at strangers, howl at night, and treat strangers dogs viciously.

Although training and socialization can assist, they cannot ensure that your Tibetan mastiff will not harm any other animal or human.

Are Tibetan Mastiffs Good For First-Time Owners?

Credit – hellotibetan

No, you have to have some sort of experience before you go for Tibetan Mastiffs as they are massive dogs and very powerful too. Handling them can be really tough, so you need experience.

Tibetan mastiffs need special care as well because they drool and shed a lot, which means that they might ruin your home if you don’t have any expertise with large dogs. In fact, one of my friends, who resides in the hilly Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, has a Tibetan Mastiff. He claims that even in the winter, his Tibetan Mastiff sheds a lot.

Additionally, they need a special diet that includes foods rich in protein and other vital nutrients. Basically, they require a pure meat-based diet.

If you have no prior experience and still want to own a Tibetan Mastiff, make sure to learn everything you can about the breed. Watch tutorials from trainers, gather knowledge from reliable websites, and seek advice from those who already own Tibetan Mastiffs.

It could be difficult to find people who own Tibetan Mastiffs as pets if you reside in nations like the USA, UK, Canada, or Australia because this breed is not naturally prevalent there. Although they can be found throughout the Himalayan regions, as they originated from Tibet (a region of China).

You can enroll in courses as well, but make sure to research them beforehand.

Do Tibetan Mastiffs bite?

They are capable of vicious biting and harming both humans and small animals. They can bite with a force of 550 PSI, which is just crazy. This much bite pressure can seriously injure you and might break bones.

But if you correctly train your Tibetan Mastiff and socialize him, he might never bite anyone. He might bark, but he won’t bite. However, it’s crucial to keep your Tibetan mastiff as far away from strangers as you can because you might not want to take any chances, especially given that you now know that they have an extremely powerful bite.

Are They Good With Kids?

Despite the fact that there are very few reports of Tibetan Mastiffs biting children, it is still advisable to keep children away from them, especially if they are under the age of five. This is because these dogs are large and powerful, so even if they only want to play with your children or aren’t intending to hurt them, they could still injure them because of their size and strong paws.

As I previously mentioned, Tibetan Mastiffs are naturally aggressive, therefore if your kids did something that irritated the Tibetan Mastiff, he might become hostile and inflict harm on them.

So, protect your children against all large, inherently aggressive dogs, including Tibetan Mastiffs.

Are Tibetan Mastiffs Banned?

Many locations or nations, including the Bermuda Islands, Belarus, France, Germany, The Maldives, Ukraine, Malaysia, and Hangzhou, have prohibited Tibetan mastiffs.

There are several reasons for their restriction; for instance, Malaysia has prohibited the Tibetan mastiff because they think it is unpredictable and capable of horrendous harm. Any dog that large and naturally aggressive, in France’s opinion, poses a risk to humans.

They are prohibited in various American counties and municipalities. Make sure to learn what your state, municipalities, or counties have to say about them before getting them.

Always obey the rules at your place because breaking them might land you in serious trouble.

Does Temperature Play A Role?

Since they have a thick double coat that keeps them warm and shields them from brisk winter winds, Tibetan mastiffs definitely prefer colder temperatures than warmer ones. Additionally, because they are natives of chilly climates, they naturally feel more at ease in chilly conditions.

Despite being advised against it, if you keep them in a heated environment, you will notice some behavioral changes and they may become more aggressive. According to reports, heat stress can cause anxiety in dogs, which can lead to aggression.

To prevent excessive drooling, discomfort, dehydration, and aggressive tendencies in your Tibetan Mastiff, it is advisable to maintain a temperature lower than 25 degrees Celsius.

Does Food Play A Role?

Like the weather, food has a significant impact on the behavior of Tibetan Mastiffs. Your dog might get hostile if you don’t give him enough food because studies relate an unhealthy or improper diet to aggressive behavior.

Additionally, some people think that feeding their dogs raw food can make them violent, but this is a lie. Giving your dog raw food has no impact on their nature; in fact, according to a study, it actually helps calm canines down.

Giving your dog the nourishment it needs is something you need to keep in mind. Tibetan mastiffs require a balanced diet of meat. To maintain strong bones, teeth, and fur, they require a diet high in protein.


Tibetan mastiffs are aggressive canines that are not suitable for inexperienced owners. However, teaching and socializing them from an early age can make them more friendly towards humans and animals, although it is still advisable not to allow them to get too close to any animal or human if you are not watching them.

Tibetan mastiffs are fiercely protective of their owners and will risk their lives to save them. They make excellent guard dogs. If you are a first-time owner and still want to pet them, do your research, watch tutorial videos, and meet other owners. Before you go after them, you must first learn about them.

I hope you liked this post.

Thanks for reading!


Read: How Fast Can Tibetan Mastiffs Run? (20 MPH or More)

Can A Tibetan Mastiff Live In An Apartment?

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