
Are Great Danes More Powerful Than Lions? 7 Factors Compared

  • Great Dane
  • Posted 5 months ago

Great Danes are recognized for their friendly disposition and guarding abilities; they are powerful but humble canines.

But what if you happen to meet a lion by chance while walking your great dane?

Will your great save you from a Lion attack, or will he back down?

You’ll find your answer in this post.

Can Great Danes Defeat Lions?

Unfortunately, no dog in the world can defeat a Lion because Lions are simply too powerful for a dog.

Lions are formidable fighters with a lot of wild experience, whereas great Danes are domestic dogs who spend most of their time inside their house without fear of an unexpected attack.

However, if a Great Dane is confident or brave enough, it may drive a lion away because lions sometimes do not attack those animals who do not back down easily.

Also, a lion may not attack a great dane if it does not turn its back on it. However, we are unsure because if a Lion is extremely hungry, it will attack the dog anyway.

9 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Let Your Great Dane Fight A Lion

Now that we’ve established that a Great Dane cannot compete with a lion, let’s look at some of the reasons why.

1: Weight & Height

A lion weighs more than any other dog breed on the planet.

A completely grown male Great Dane weighs about 175 pounds or 80 kg, whereas a fully mature male Lion can weigh over 500 pounds or 230 kg.

Furthermore, lions are taller than Great Danes, standing between 3.5 and 4 feet (1 and 1.2 meters) at the shoulder, whereas Great Danes stand 32 inches or 2.6 feet.

Height and weight are important factors in determining who will win the battle.

Have you ever witnessed lions and elephants fighting?

You may have, but that is rare because lions are well aware that it is not a good idea to attack an elephant, which is considerably larger than them.

2: Experience

Lions are wild animals that spend their entire lives in the jungle, where anything could occur at any time.

They are quite familiar with death, and they know exactly what to do in order to survive in the jungle.

Lions fight innumerable wars in their lives, giving them unrivaled experience, something great Danes do not have.

It’s true that Great Danes used to hunt small game, but today the majority of them don’t, which means they’ve lost a lot of their hard-earned experience.

I don’t think I need to emphasize how important experience is in any field. Experience counts for everything.

3: Bite Force

Animal Bite Force (Pound-force)
Great Dane 238-269 psi (pounds per square inch)
African Lion Estimated around 1000 psi
Bite Force Comparison Table

The belief that lions can only bite with 650 PSI is untrue; a new study demonstrates that they can bite with significantly more force—experts estimate up to 1000 PSI.

Because Great Danes have much less biting force than Lions—roughly 270 PSI—they are no match in this situation.

When it comes to combat, biting force is crucial because it directly correlates with the amount of cuts and wounds caused.

4: Raw Power

Lions can drag and lift animals that are heavier than them; in fact, they can easily grab a great dane’s neck and lift it; they may even run while holding a great dane in their mouth.

There is no match when it comes to raw power; lions are much stronger than great Danes naturally.

5: Skills

Lions gained the abilities required for hunting prey via experience. They know exactly where to strike in order to put a target to sleep.

You may have noticed in videos that Lions go for the neck first; a bite to the neck or throat rapidly kills the animal; with practice, they have mastered the technique of attacking the neck while chasing.

While Great Danes’ hunting abilities have declined over time.

6: Battle IQ

Another important component in a fight is battle IQ, as an animal with a higher battle IQ knows what steps to take in order to kill a prey faster.

Both animals have the same IQ, therefore you might argue that this is a tie; yet, many experts believe that lions have a higher combat IQ than dogs.

They have improved their combat IQ throughout time, and they know exactly how to catch their prey.

7: Speed & Agility

Animal Top Speed (mph)
African Lion 35-50 mph
Great Dane 25-30 mph
Speed Comparison

In a hundred-meter sprint, a lion can easily outperform a great dane. Not only that, but the Lions can execute their strikes at a considerably faster rate.


Great Danes make wonderful companions and protection dogs, but they are incapable of defeating a lion in a one-on-one fight. Lions are larger, faster, more skilled, and have more experience.

So, if you notice a lion near your house, it’s always advisable to save yourself as well as your beloved Great Dane.

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