
Do Great Danes Chew A Lot? 9 Ways To Fix

  • Great Dane
  • Posted 5 months ago

When we discover that one of our favorite outfits has been chewed on by our dog, it aggravates us greatly.

This article will discuss whether or not Great Danes chew a lot and what you can do to help them cut back on their chewing.

Therefore, to obtain all the information, be sure to read through to the end!

Do Great Danes Chew A Lot?

Do Great Danes Chew A Lot

To be honest, there is no obvious answer to this question because chewing levels vary from dog to dog.

Some Great Danes chew anything that is chewable, whereas others don’t chew anything, even if you urge them to.

Generally speaking, Great Danes are not known for their chewing habits. In fact, they have never been ranked as one of the chewiest dogs.

However, Great Danes do not do very well when they feel bored and anxious; they generally chew out of boredom or when they are feeling anxious.

But some great danes might also chew for different reasons, like dental problems, hunger or dietary Issues, etc.

For dogs, chewing is important…

You may find chewing annoying, but you may be unaware that it benefits your great dane.

Chewing makes dogs feel better by releasing endorphins in their brain, which increase their sense of pleasure and well-being.

Chewing dogs have been found to be less likely to engage in damaging, boredom-driven activities.

Furthermore, chewing serves a lot of functions for a dog. 

It’s a strategy for young canines to ease pain caused by developing teeth. It’s nature’s way of keeping aging dogs’ jaws strong and their teeth clean.

9 Ways To Fix A Great Dane’s Chewing Habit

Excessive chewing can cause you problems; to avoid this, you will need to teach them certain things or meet with an expert.

Let’s look at 9 things that can help you reduce your Great Dane’s chewing habit.

1: Provide appropriate chew toys

The good thing is that there are a lot of chewing toys available on the market that you can give to your dog.

These toys will provide exactly what your dog needs, and once your dog has finished chewing them, it will not bother to go and chew your items.

Chew toys also relieve anxiety and stress, so it’s the ultimate deal.

2: Rotate toys

Many people do not realize that rotating a toy is just as vital as purchasing a toy.

Dogs, like people, become bored with one toy and want a new one to feel interested in again.

So, if you notice that your Great Dane isn’t as enthusiastic about his toys, rotate them.

3: Supervise and manage the environment

Keeping a watch on your great dane is a fairly easy approach to ensure that he does not chew.

Observe what he is doing, and if you see him chewing something, gently interrupt him.

Also, you may put restrictions on the areas where he chews the most.

To restrict access to places where improper chewing typically happens, you can utilize crates or baby gates.

4: Use bitter sprays or deterrents

Another method for preventing your dog from chewing on your belongings is to use bitter spray or deterrents. Purchase a pet-safe bitter spray and spritz it on your things; the scent and flavor will deter him from chewing them.

However, make sure to get a pet-safe spray because other kinds may make your dog sick.

5: Provide mental and physical stimulation

Great Danes chew to relieve boredom or surplus energy.

Giving them ample exercise or playing time can help to lessen this tendency.

They do not require much exercise; in fact, 40 minutes of walking each day is plenty.

They are also good swimmers provided they have received the appropriate training.

If your Great Dane can swim, you should allow him to swim once in a while to provide mental stimulation.

Furthermore, disruptive conduct is frequently the result of boredom and anxiety, and exercise not only helps to reduce anxiety and boredom, but it also helps to develop muscles and keep excess fat at bay.

Only get a Great Dane when you are confident that you will be able to provide him with daily walk or playtime.

6: Teach the “leave it” and “drop it” commands

“Leave it” and “drop it” are basic commands that can be extremely useful in breaking your Great Dane’s habit.

These commands will assist you in diverting their attention; nevertheless, teaching these commands can be tough, especially if you have never taught any commands to your Great Dane before.

This guide may help!

7: Dental Care

Poor dental health may be one of the causes of your great dane’s chewing behavior, since some dogs begin to chew to relieve pain in their teeth.

Examine your dog’s dental condition to discover if something is lodged in his teeth or if he has a cavity.

If you suspect that something is amiss or that a tooth disease is causing his persistent chewing, consult an expert as soon as possible.

8: Consult a veterinarian

You might need to see a veterinarian if you have tried everything and nothing is helping because the issue could be quite serious.

It’s not always a good idea to treat your dog’s issue on your own; occasionally, professional assistance is needed.

9: Be Patient

Changing a great dane’s behavior takes time because they are slow learners and stubborn.

Maintain training orders that may aid in the elimination of such habits, be constant, and never give up hope.

At What Age Do Great Danes Chew The Most?

There is no definitive answer to this question, but specialists say that chewing occurs most frequently while the dog is between puppyhood and adulthood, or approximately 7 to 12 months of age.

However, some experts disagree, believing that the chewing phase begins when the dog is roughly 4 months old and lasts for 2 months.

While some say there is no clear response, it varies from dog to dog. Again, there is no clear response.

furthermore, It’s true that a dog’s chewing habit can disappear after a few months, but in some dogs, it can remain forever.


Although Great Danes are not known for their tendency to chew, some of them do, particularly when they are between the ages of seven and twelve months.

Dogs chew for a variety of reasons, but dental issues, boredom, and nervousness are some of the most common ones.

If your Great Dane chews a lot, you can use pet-free bitter sprays in addition to teaching them the commands “Leave it” and “Drop it” to break the habit.

But remember, it takes time to break a habit, so have patience!

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