
Are Mastiffs Hypoallergenic? (6 Things You Must Know)

  • Other Dog Breeds
  • Posted 1 year ago

Mastiffs are amazing dogs. Their insane size and love for their owners have made them one of the most popular breeds.

But Mastiffs are in no way perfect dogs, they can present many challenges, especially, if you are a first-time owner.

If you are an allergic person and love mastiff breeds, then you must know whether Mastiffs are hypoallergenic or not.

1: What Is Hypoallergenic?

To understand Hypoallergenic, we have to break this word into half. The word “Hypo” in scientific terms means “Less” and “Allergenic” means a substance that causes an allergic response.

Now, let’s answer the question you all are here for!

2: Are Mastiffs Hypoallergenic?

No, they are not Hypoallergenic. In fact, there is no dog breed that is 100% Hypoallergenic. Every dog produces some amount of dander.

Danders are the one that causes allergy. You might be wondering what exactly is a dander.

Danders are flakes of skin that are found in a dog’s fur or hair. Dander is made up of microscopic bits of dead skin that Mastiffs shed.

Surprisingly, even dander isn’t the main issue behind allergies. Dander contains two allergens, Can F 1 and Can F 4. These two allergens can trigger allergies.

Mastiffs spread dander through their saliva, sweat, fur, and urine. It means if you have a pet mastiff, their dander can reach anywhere in your house.

Again, Mastiffs shouldn’t be the first choice for you if you are an allergic person.

You need dogs that produce less dander. Thankfully, there are some breeds that produce fewer allergy-causing particles.

3: How Dander Causes Allergy

According to Mayoclinic (trusted source), allergies occur when our immune system reacts to a foreign substance such as pollen, dander, or mold.

Our immune system generates proteins that are known as Antibodies. These antibodies work as a shield and protect us from dangerous viruses and bacteria that can make us sick or cause an infection.

Fortunately, most of us have got a strong immune system, strong enough to fight those unwanted invaders, but some people aren’t so lucky.

Some people don’t have a strong immune system, and because of that, they easily catch allergies.

4: Symptoms Of Dog Allergies Are:

Source: Healthline

  • Cough
  • Dry skin
  • Hives
  • Itchy nose and eyes
  • Rashes
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sneezing
  • Tickle in the throat
  • Tight chest
  • Watery eyes
  • Wheezing

5: Can You Develop Immunity From Dog Allergy

Sadly, there is no medicine or shot that can cure your allergy 100%, but it is possible to reduce the effect of allergies on your body.

There is a process called immunotherapy which is effective in developing tolerance to dog allergy. Immunotherapy desensitizes your body to allergens through injections.

Immunotherapy basically trains your immune system so it can do more to find and destroy harmful cells.

Apart from immunotherapy, there are some other ways to manage allergies.

  • Clean

It’s important to clean your house daily as mastiffs shed a lot. Not only fur, but dander can spread through their saliva, sweat, and urine.

Cleaning your home daily can help you eliminate some allergens. It’s not a super effective way, but it can surely help.

  • Use Filters

There are some filters present in the market that can help to remove airborne pollutants and allergens like pollen and pet dander.

HEPA is a brand that I recommend.

  • Use Hypoallergenic Shampoo

You can find many Hypoallergenic shampoos on the internet, but according to me, Hepper Colloidal Oatmeal Pet Shampoo would be the best for your mastiff.

Btw, you can always do your own research and see what would be the best for your dog. But make sure to always get information from legitimate sources.

  • Wash your Hands Daily

This is the easiest thing to do, yet very effective. After touching or playing with your Mastiff, make sure to wash your hands.

You can use any anti-germ soap to clean your hands. Also, avoid touching your face —particularly your eyes, mouth, and nose—with unwashed hands as allergy-causing agents can enter your body through mucous membranes in those areas.

  • Replace Carpets

Carpets and rugs can hold danders for a long time, and cleaning out all the danders from carpets is tough.

You can use plastic mats or wooden floors instead of carpets. A wooden floor is a bit expensive but it can give your home a beautiful look, plus it can reduce the number of allergens as well.

  • Brush Your Mastiff daily

Regular brushing can remove dead hair, eliminate dead and dry skin, and distribute natural oils for a clean and healthy coat.

Mastiffs generally have a thick coat, which means, they need regular brushing. If you don’t do that, they might start shedding a lot and start spreading dander wherever they go, and that would not be too nice for you.

6: Best Dogs For Allergic People

Yes, it is true that there is no breed that is 100% Hypoallergenic, but there are some breeds that are close to being 100% hypoallergenic.

  • Bichon frisé
  • Labradoodle
  • Airedale terrier
  • Bergamasco
  • Coton de Tulear
  • Dandie Dinmont terrier
  • Maltese
  • Shih Tzu
  • Tibetan terrier
  • Wirehaired pointing griffon

Thanks for reading!

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